new 色と形を楽しむやきもの

Potteries, simply for colors and shapes


一般的に焼物は産出する場所の地名、そこで採取される土の種類、或いは使われる釉薬の名前、 特徴のあるデザインを考案した人の名前等が、やきものの名前の通り名になっている場合が多いようです。岡山一体で取れる土を使って焼き〆るやきものを備前 焼、美濃焼(地名)、織部焼(デザイン、釉薬)、辰砂(釉薬)などなど。

 Generally, pottery has a byword that come from its region, type of clay, glaze or person who created its unique shape.

There are several famous bywords such as Minoyaki (region's name), Oribeyaki (unique charactaristics that consists of identifiable design, patterns and color prodeced by a glaze) and cinnabar (glaze's name) etc.

There are also a bit different type potteries with no perticular names that were created in more freestyle mannar.

I have created several of this kind and would like to show you. Some of them are actually from many years ago and I guess you have seen them already but if you enjoy watchig them again, I am very happy.

Sakura Shaped Teabowl

一日乾かし、少し固まったところで、高台を削り出し、一週間干し ました。

To create this teabowl, I use white clay and make a palm-sized, a bit deep bowl base by wheel throwing as the first step. Since this is for thin tea, I want to make this thin as much as possible.Second, I devide the brim by 5, put each of them in by my index finger. This whole shape comes to Sakura bloom. Then I push down the center of the bloom and make a petal.

As the Sakura shape became fine, I leave it for one day to neatly dry and then trim the foot at the bottom, then leave it again for a week.After It 's well dried, I put it into the kiln to fire. There are 2 steps; biscuit firing and finishing firing.

The glaze I use for this teabowl is called `Rose Petal`. I think American glaze would produce more vivid colors than Japanese one and this glaze is a perfect match for the Sakura Teabowl. I set the heat level of the kiln at 1100 centigrade and I got a great result as you see.

夏桔梗 の菓子器
Kikyo(Japanese bellflower) Shaped Container for Sweets


The process to create the shape is the same as described above.
The final firing temperature was 1200 centigrade.

Kiku(Chrysanthemum) Shaped Bowl for tea sweets

The process to create the shape is also the same as described above.
Although usually I use this bowl for tea sweets, sometimes convert it
for side dishes.

Crysanthemum Shaped Plate

I used Oribe glaze for  leaves and acquired the design using pressing a flower design in intaglio.
The final temperature was 1250 centigrade.

Deformed Container for Sweets


Finely rounded bowl by wheel throwing is then intentionally deformed with fingers and spurtle.

At firing temperature 1250 centigrade, it was repeated four times.


